Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Fear Orchids

Did you know that Phalaenopsis orchids, also referred to as moth orchids, are the most popular orchid for growing inside the home? These little beauties usually bloom in late winter and into the spring, when are homes could really use some color.

According to Justin Hancock editor of Better Homes & Garden online (BHG.com), Phalaenopsis are the perfect choice for beginners. “Besides being the most well-known, they are the easiest to grow rewarding you with months of showy blooms with little to no effort.”

What's so great about these orchids is that they can survive in low light situations as well as moderate light. Direct sunlight is a definite no-no when it comes to these plants. Plus, they're budget friendly and come in wide array of colors making them the perfect decorative choice for any home.

Still not sure about growing orchids? Then check out this great how-to video from the experts at Costa Farms. I think you'll change your mind!

For more tips on growing orchids, visit Orchids Are Easy.com.


Monday, January 24, 2011

See Y'all in Louisville at The New ANLA Clinic

One of my favorite trade events is coming up this week: the ANLA Management Clinic Jan. 26-29 in Louisville. Billed as The New Clinic with interactive workshops and learning labs. Think more discussions, fewer PowerPoint slides with the lights down low. It's all about creating the right solutions for a garden center or nursery. It's focused on the L&G industry, not just any business.

The New Clinic has lightening SPEEDrounds, interactive QUICKbites discussions, and yes, even a few traditional presentations -- and, of course, great hospitality suites.

And I'm one of the "faculty" specialists drilling down on such topics as "practically radical", minding your brand and, of course my favorite, garden trends.

Corey Bordine, Bordine's, thinks the New Clinic fits today's needs perfectly. “The economy has changed, our industry’s needs have changed, and sitting through hours of lectures while being talked at is just not going to help us as green industry businesses remain innovative and competitive.”

For a full schedule of events and to register for ANLA, click here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

American Beauties in Garden Center Magazine!

Check out pages 44 & 45 of the January issue of Garden Center Magazine. Great article by Sarah Martinez titled 'Are you from around here?' Sarah spoke with Steve Castorani from North Creek Nurseries and Jerry Brown at Fisher Farms about the niche that native plants are filling in the plant market. For more info about American Beauties Native Plants, check out their website www.abnativeplants.com.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Costa Farms' Season Premier trial garden.mov

Go Ahead, Laugh at Zombies

Need a good laugh? Check out this creative video that highlights how plants can save you from zombies.

Be funny if you can, it gets people to pay attention to your message and have better recall. There are some funny commercials that I LIKE to watch!

On a serious note -- GMG is everywhere! GMG team members Suzi McCoy and Lynne Whalen will be attending ANLA in Louisville, KY next week. Stay tuned for updates from the road. The MidStates Horticultural Expo has extended an invitation to ANLA attendees to visit their expo (free admission!) at the Louisville Convention Center, on January 29.

Thanks for reading and watching - am I the only one who thinks this video is cute? Leave me a comment below and "friend" GMG on Facebook so you won't miss a beet (ha!) ... Kathleen at GMG.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Big Time for Four Garden Media Group clients: Better Homes & Gardens

Public relations is an oxymoron -- an uncontrolled discipline. Until you actually see something materialize either in print, on air or online, you just never know if your hard work and perserverance will pay off.

But for four Garden Media Group clients, our wonderful staff's hard work paid off big time this month: Better Homes & Gardens. The magazine has a paid circulation of some 7.6 million! That translates into about 25 million readers -- and that doesn't count all those people reading it in their doctor's office. And its online reach is more is about 2 million. WOW!!!

The hot new 'Pink Lemonade' blueberry from Briggs Plant Propogators was a full page in the magazine and a great offer in the BH&G GardenStore.

Costa Farms, the largest grower of indoor plants in North America, got a nice plug for its O2 for You Houseplants with a Purpose educational campaign.

And the new SimpleGarden from Fertile Earth was featured in a full page spread about gardening indoors. Looks like it might be in a few upcoming books as well.

And Campania, one of BH&G's favorite container and outdoor accessories companies in the world, another hit this year.

A big thanks to our good friends at BH&G!

And way to go to the ever persistant Stacey, Lynne and Karen.

Rise of hoops- (and I'm not talking 'bout basketball)

Had enough of the white stuff yet? With the winter comes basketball, the great American past-time that helps warm things up and take the chill off freezing temperatures & snow piled up to your nose -(and wondering if we'll ever see a green leaf again!)

Hark. There's hope. There's a new hoop in town! Before you get nervous b-ball lovers, I'm talking high tunnel/hoop houses. http://www.youtube.com/usda

The USDA is piloting a 3-year initiative to fund high tunnel/hoop houses to farmers so they can grow food year-round. It's part of the USDA's Know your Farmer, Know your Food Initiative and funded by the

USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service.

The premise is that hoop houses conserve water, reduce pesticide use, and maintain vital soil nutrients- and increase crop yields of locally grown fruit and veggies. Yum!

And since the White House Kitchen Garden is hooped out (and supplying winter veggies and herbs) - let's hope the USDA's initiative meets with grand success, so all farmers from coast-to-coast can jump in on a very promising trend.

* USDA photo credit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Strong Holiday Sales Represent Best Gain Since 2004

Today, I thought I would share some great insight from the voice of the retail world, the National Retail Federation. Looks like consumers still have spending power according to their recent sales report from November-December of 2010. Sounds like good news for us!

Check out the full article here from Home Accents Today.

Strong holiday sales represent best gain since 2004, according to NRF: "December 2010 retail industry sales (which exclude automobiles, gas stati..."


Friday, January 14, 2011

A Sign of the Times...

Well, it is Friday, January 14th and it is my day to blog. What could I possibly share with all of you???

My first thought was...maybe something about this day? And the only thing I could think of was the date...January 14th. Yep, nothing came to mind. It doesn't seem to be one of those days that strikes a chord in my memory.

Then it hit me! 14 is my lucky number so I thought that must be a sign, right? And then I thought 'a sign!' I should touch base on this whole Astrological sign controversy...is it really a controversy? I looked to my own example to see if I would be OK with a sign change.

I have always been a Leo, born that way, ya know. I have always felt a connection to the Leo sign (Quick, run a search on your very own sign to see how you match up.)

Here is an example of some Leo-isms...'People are attracted to Leo's zest for life and their warm spirit. They have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are rough. Their enthusiasm attracts people, Leos are social butterflies, not because they want to be but because people always naturally gravitate and surround the Leo. Leos are very difficult people to not like, they are usually fairly balanced, realistic people. (FYI, I did not make this up! This was all stated on
http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/leo.htm ...look for yourself.)

Now what if all of a sudden I were a Virgo, the next sign in the chain? What would that mean?

Well, per www.virgo-characteristics.com, 'Virgos are able to sustain by themselves without really requiring the help of others. In fact, individuals born under this star sign tend to be so independent that you might actually think they are a little selfish. This is a typical Virgo characteristics that is often mistaken in many ways. If you notice a Virgo working for hours at a stretch without really talking to you, don’t be offended! That is how their characteristics tend to be, and usually are involved with their thoughts and processes.' wow...

This is NOT ME! NO WAY. No How! If you know me, you know that not talking and an overall sense of quiet is NOT my nature...not IN my nature...literally.

So, how do you match up with the new way of 'dating' yourself??? I would love to know.

As for me, I am staying a LEO...born that way ya know!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Follow the Path To Your Future

If you are reading this blog, you already know that social media isn't going anywhere. Having a blog is as important as having a phone and website.

Blogs are a great place to share pictures, plans and news. And there are some great tools that make blogging easier. Tools like Instagram, UStream, and PicPosterous -- to name a few. A super easy video editing site is Animoto.com - and below you can see something I created in about half an hour.

So how do you know about this stuff Kathleen? I read the paper. Well.. it isn't really a paper anymore is it. It is an app on my phone. Staying on top of social media trends isn't hard, just check out TechCrunch or Mashable a few times a week and you can catch on quickly. It is almost like a soap opera where characters resurface, fake a death and start new families. MySpace is going to be changing hands (or folding?) so all of those folks are going to be starting new companies, moving to new jobs and creating new things to try.

Photo, video and location based check-ins are all hot trends to watch. If a picture says a 1,000 words, what does a viral video say? Is knowing who is checking into your store important? Is knowing your customer important? How are you going to tell your story?

:) Kathleen at GMG.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We love our pets! But not the spots....

Here at the office we love having our pets around. Jack, (Suzi's vivacious and bounding Standard Poodle) is our frequent flyer- literally. He knows when I'm warming up with my lumpy oatmeal and well, how can I resist those big, woeful eyes? Guaranteed to lick the bowl clean.

Karen's two dogs, Nigel (a gorgeous, but often timid- to- climb- stairs Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) and Godiva, (a sweetheart with a sweet-tooth Chocolate Lab) are a well-behaved and always welcome two-some!

We've had Peggy's cutie pawtutie, Katie, a pretty Jack Russell Terrier, a few times as our "model" (though she didn't appreciate the honor.)

And Tracey's dog, Nala, is our "pro" who has posed for numerous images romping in her backyard.

But as you can guess, with all our romping, leaping, exploring dogs, who must use the outdoor "facility" (our yard) we've been dealing with those yellow, burned-looking urine patches that inevitably appear on the grass.

Well, we're thrilled that we found a new organic product, SpotGone! from Natra Turf, that helps turn those ugly patches back into lush green grass again. The all-natural and easy-to-sprinkle pellets take out excess salt and nitrogen from the soil, allowing grass to grow back and stay green and healthy.

It's free from chemicals so it's safe to use around kids and pets- (we love that). And it has no foreign grass seed so your lawn will grow back uniformly and not "patchy."

And this cool product also helps with grass damage from de-icers (yay!) which we will use once the white stuff decides to stay up in the clouds and fall somewhere else. Like Canada.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Garden Plot: Costa Farms Opens Doors to Southern Living

The Garden Plot: Costa Farms Opens Doors to Southern Living: "As most gardeners know, Southern Living is the gardening bible of the south. We were so thrilled that our friends at Southern Living had th..."

Costa Farms Opens Doors to Southern Living

As most gardeners know, Southern Living is the gardening bible of the south.

We were so thrilled that our friends at Southern Living had the opportunity to tour Costa Farms' facility last year and learn about their plants and expert growers. As a result, Costa's team is featured in the January issue, which is out on newsstands now.

In the article, Costa's growers reveal their secrets for beautiful indoor houseplants. From orchids to succulents, Costa prides itself on growing plants that are easy to care for and maintain.

Check out the article and let us know which is your favorite houseplant to grow!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Garden Bloggers Summer Fling Scheduled for Seattle

Co-hostess Lorene Edwards Forkner posted this about the GARDEN BLOGGERS Summer Fling planned for Seattle, July 22-25, 2011.

Lorene, along with Debra Prinzing, and Marty Wingate are "your on the ground hosts for this dynamic sampling of beautiful Pacific Northwest riches. We’ll tour glorious gardens, savor delicious farm-to-table dining, and immerse ourselves in one of the most garden-friendly climates Mother Nature has ever bestowed.

Four days of activities with exciting pre- and post-Fling opportunities are in the works. The Silver Cloud Inn, conveniently located in the University district, just North of downtown is our hotel of record. Go here to learn more and make your reservation.

Bookmark this site, subscribe to follow, and join us on Facebook to keep up with plans as they unfold. (Much, much) more to come…stay TUNED!"

I love Seattle and can't wait to see y'all there! Thanks ladies for all your hard work to pull this off!
Suzi, Garden Media Group

Thursday, January 06, 2011

MANTS: The Masterpiece of Trade Shows

What fun! We headed out Wednesday to Baltimore, MD to attend MANTS 2011 (The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show).

Boasting a tagline: The Masterpiece of Trade Shows, MANTS truly lives up to its vaulted reputation for delivering a great show year after year.

Row after row of booths filled with new plant material and garden and industry products filled the massive hall. Our eyes were bedazzled...the siren call of "look at me" guided my steps to booths filled with aromas of pungent pines and heady perennials. I became light-headed with rapturous joy.

We dropped by our clients' booths: Brigg Plant Propagators, Campania International, The Organic Mechanics Soil Company and American Beauties Native Plants for a look-see and chatty conversations.

Check out the latest Campania's mini fountains and colorful new containers! I want them all!

The native plants at the North Creek Nurseries booth, part of the American Beauties Native Plants collection were gorgeous and were igniting quite a bit of buzz.

Here's the Briggs Plant Propagators booth with their new pink blueberry- 'Pink Lemonade' displayed. This beauty delivers four seasons of color and yummy fruit! And their new, white Japanese forest grass: Fubuki is stunning.

But I'll let some of our photos tell the story. Always a pleasure; always an opportunity to be dazzled with all that's cool and wonderful within this awesome industry. Plants Rule!!

Open the Door - the Future is Knocking!

Don't you just love a good "before and after" story? When people get make-overs on TV, and the guy with the beard and biker t-shirt turns into a Harrison Ford look-alike -- I just flip! Well, check out this project by Bill Healy a certified member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Bill lives and works in Ohio, which also happens to be the location of the next APLD conference in June! Mark your calendar for the week of June 13th to be inspired!
Not everyone can add a beautiful entry to their home - but creating some curb appeal with plantings is possible for anyone! A real stand out is 'Limelight' Hydrangea - with bright green sturdy blooms. Just like adding highlights to dark hair, 'Limelight' turns on the light and adds drama.
Do you have a great before-and-after to share? Connect with us on using the comments below, on Twitter or Facebook. I would love to hear your thoughts - Kathleen @ GMG

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

American Beauties Unveils Profit Planner

Karen and I spent a most pleasant evening with the American Beauties Native Plant growers at the Black Olive in Baltimore. Some 30 people were there, including American Beauties growers Pride's Corner Farms, North Creek Nurseries, MidWest Groundcovers, Spring Meadow Nursery, Quality Greenhouses, Willoway Nurseries and Fisher Farms.

Karen and Tim Kane, of Pride's Corner, had been working over the holidays on the presentation of the new American Beauties Profit Planner. Based on the success of several garden centers, the down loadable tool helps garden centers "educate, entertain and engage" customers and their community to inspire them to plant more native plants.

Gateway Gardens' natives hero, Nancy Bell, shared lots of secrets on how she drives demand for AB plants. From finding your "native hero" to brochures, banners and event ideas with local non-profits, it is an awesome program filled with great ideas to help everyone be more profitable.

And the folks from the National Wildlife Federation talked about the Certified Wildlife Habitat program, which benefits from the sale of all American Beauties plants, and how they are going to rally their ambassadors to join with local garden centers to stimulate usage for native plants and creating wildlife habitats. For $15, it's one of the best deals going for the environment.
Since "gardening with a purpose" is the major garden trend, planting natives fits right in and makes us all part of the solution.
Go native,

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Hot New Products for 2011

From cool miniature fountains to going native in the garden, spring 2011 promises great plants and products that will help you spruce up your home with pizzazz and ease.

Check out these garden superstars that will chase away your winter blahs and help you get ready for spring:

Keep the dog – lose the spots
Got pets? Gardeners who do are finding a new solution to an a age-old problem in SpotGone!, an Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)-listed organic product that turns those yellow, burned-looking patches where her dog does his “business” into lush, green grass again. Just shake the pellets on pet urine spots, high-traffic areas or lawn damage from de-icers. Look for SpotGone! at www.natraturf.com.

Splish, splash
Now you can bring the soothing sight and sounds of fountains onto your terrace or indoors with the new mini fountain collection from Campania International. Their Arabesque fountain (pictured here), at only 18 inches tall, offers double the pleasure with a basin that makes a great planter and an etched design that will complement any space.

Roll out the welcome
Looking for an instant, affordable facelift for your home? You can spruce up any doorway with the wide array of eco-friendly coir doormats from Imports Unlimited. All 200 selections are by prominent artists and are either 100 percent hand-woven coco-fiber, decorated in richly colored, fade-resistant dyes or all-weather recycled rubber.

Go native

Attracting wildlife while you beautify your landscape has never been easier. American Beauties Native Plants has a wide array of native shrubs, trees, ornamental grasses and perennials that are perfect for your region. Hand-picked for their beauty, these native charmers will attract and provide shelter and food for wildlife.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Cheers to More in 2011!

I love new beginnings. I love new things. I love new days. And I love positive people! This morning when the fabulous ladies of the Garden Media Group arrived back, we all hugged each other because we were so glad to be back at work! Imagine that.

So what are some positive predictions for 2011?

  1. More jobs. Hiring predictions for 2011 are starting to come in and what they say is that we can expect more jobs next year. Manpower issued its respected Employment Outlook Survey on Tuesday that said employers anticipate small staffing gains in the first quarter of 2011. Almost 1/2 of big companies say they plan to hire in 2011. Another survey, this one of CFOs done by the Bank of America, says almost 1/2 of larger companies are even more likely to hire in 2011. That’s a big improvement over the 28 percent who said that at the start of 2010.

  2. 2. More optimism. The survey also showed CfOs somewhat more optimistic about their own company’s prospects. Last year 61 percent of the CFOs surveyed expected improvement in their company’s revenue. This year, 64 percent do. It does give you the sense that the US is climbing out of the hole.

  3. More Consumer Confidence. Stewart Title Chief Economist Ted C. Jones in Houston, TX says consumer confidence is back and is evident this holiday shopping season. “It is up and it’s shown by all the full parking lots at all the malls and the stores, and the waiting lines at all the restaurants we did not see last year,” Jones said. “The bottom line is, people feel better and they are spending on that aspect.” According to MasterCard Advisors, retail spending rose 5.5% in the 50 days before Christmas and pre-Christmas online sales during the holiday season through Christmas Eve rose 15.4% year-over-year to $36.4 billion.
  4. More Stocks Rising. According to Jones, the 2010 roller coaster ride on the stock market is finally coming to a close. Wells Fargo Financial Advisor Mark Teed agrees, saying we may be in for a positive surprise in the new year. Teed says analysts are predicting the stock market will be about 10% higher than it is right now. "If the stock market is a leading indicator and it's telling us things are going to be better, that's good for job numbers that's good for foreclosures, it's good for the economy in general," says Teed.
  5. 5. More Housing Starts. The results, released in December by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, show that the nation’s housing market is expected to improve in 2011 after a five-year struggle. The Fed especially predicts positive news in home investments, with an increase in 2011 at a rate of 9.6 percent. The Fed also forecasts that housing starts will increase to 690,000 in 2011, up from 550,000 in 2009.

  6. More Happiness. 2011 is predicted to be the Year of Happiness. We saw the shift in happynomics several years ago as people began replacing "things" with happiness - choosing to work where they want to live, instead of living where they work. Young people choosing to work on a farm instead of on Wall Street, driving a Prius instead of a Hummer, growing their own food and raising their own chickens.

  7. More Gardening. All this positive news is great for gardening. As people begin to go back to work and have more confidence in the economy, they will open up their pocketbooks and spend more money - and hopefully this spring that extra money will be planted in backyards and gardens across America. And we all know new houses mean new gardens.

So cheers to a fabulous 2011 and may all your gardens grow and bloom more, more, more!!!

Suzi, Garden Media Group