Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer drought may signal fall color in northeast

The summer drought has been devastating for many gardeners.

In the northeast, the summer was blisteringly hot; the milder temperatures a welcome relief. According to an article in Science Daily, along with crisp fall air, those of us living in the northeast may be in for a blast of spectacular fall color.

File:Autumn Tree.JPG
The dry conditions we've encountered this summer along with a recent number of cool nights could spell a colorful fall. The article explains how fall leaf color is affected by the amount of rainfall an area gets, the number of sunny days, and cooler night temperatures. Reminds me a bit of Mickey Mouse, as the Sorcerer's Apprentice, stirring up a magic potion in a cauldron. Chemistry of sorts.

This morning, after a night of rain, I was greeted by a mix of bright yellow and orangey tone leaves splattered haphazardly on my windshield. Too early? I mused. Apparently, not.

Although it's still summer, school buses are chugging down the roads, and for many, school's already in session. Football practice is in full swing and mums are packed tightly in neat rows in front of supermarkets.

But for me, the right of passage from summer to fall is always the changing of the leaves. With the splash of color greeting me today as I walked to my car, I guess it's time to say good-bye to summer, hello to fall.

So, for the weeks we endured of temperatures that hovered near 100 degrees without rain, and plants that were lost to the drought, the promise of dazzling fall color is Mother Nature strutting her stuff, and perhaps making amends.

Send us your favorite fall color images and we'll post the best!

Garden Media Group
photo credit: Wikipedia Commons


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