Thursday, December 01, 2011

A Beautiful Season for Pinning!

I have recently started using Pinterest to keep track of things that inspire me.   What is Pinterest you ask?  It is a web pinboard.    When you see cool things on the web, or while you are out and about you can snap a photo and pin them on your board to share them with the world.   I do stumble on a lot of decor ideas in my travels and I have pinned a bunch of photos.   Below you can see the Garden Media Group's real pinboard on the second floor of our office! 

There are some fantastic plant, gardening and landscape design pin boards.  Are you following any cool ones?  Check out my boards and give me your thoughts.

Garden Media Group's Wall of Inspiration
Spotted this fab table!

I like birds on just about anything!

1 comment:

I need someone to take my online math class said...

This blog on the "Beautiful Season for Pinning" is so spot on! Pinterest really does come alive with all the holiday inspiration during this time of year. I love seeing all the creative ideas for decorating and gift-giving. It's like a virtual winter wonderland! Thanks for sharing these great insights—definitely makes me want to pin even more!