Although we are just going across town, I'm leaving behind 13 years of memories with my daughter Katie and bevy of animals including, Dixie, Chance, Lucy, Ashley, Coo . . . and lots more plants. This morning I

I leave behind lots of Knock Out Roses in many varieties who faithfully gave me flowers in many colors from spring to Thanksgiving -- in the woods.

I leave behind many new varieties we helped introduce, including Knock Out Roses, Endless Summer, Halo hydrangeas, Raymond Evison clematis, American Beauties native plants, Jersey Early Bird Cardinal daily lilies, and Merserve hollies, Drops of Gold. I surprise myself that I love them all and hate to leave them behind. But they are happy and will survive.
I had fully intended to move some plants. I even marked some and listed

Never happened.
So now we move on to a new house and a new dig. We have two acres with lots of sun and open space. And I have a greenhouse attached to the family room to fill with Costa house plants. I have a veggie garden, several perennial beds and lots of gorgeous Campania pots to fill. It will be an new journey I'm eager to begin . . . tomorrow.
But for now, I say goodbye to 51 Fawn Lane. Thanks for the
Suzi, GMG
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