Steampunk blends Victorian textures and accessories with high-tech architectural features. To bring it home, we like mixing Victorian plant preferences like ferns and orchids with neutrals or shiny metallics containers from Campania International.

Chic and easy to grow, orchids add a lavish touch to any room. Plus these hard-working beauties clean indoor air from volatile organic compounds and provide oxygen. For tips on growing orchids, visit Orchids Are Easy.
Phalaenopsis (moth) orchids as well as other varieties are perfect choices for affordable, colorful plants that look as comfortable in 21st century homes as they did in Victorian days. To learn more about the health benefits of indoor houseplants check out O2forYou.org.
For more 2011 Garden Trends, visit Garden Media Group
Enjoy your indoor plants!
I love orchids! They are so pretty. Thanks for the link to the Orchids Are Easy website. I'm going to check it out now.
Steam punk blends Victorian textures and accessories with high-tech architectural features. The Garden Plot is about all things Gardening.
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There are a few advantages to Mail Order Nursery. One is that you can find a wide variety of plants that you may not be able to find at a local nursery. Another advantage is that mail order nurseries usually have a staff of knowledgeable plant experts who can help you choose the right plants for your garden.
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