Monday, August 07, 2017

Gardening Tips: 5 Safety Tips and Techniques for Senior Gardeners

Older adults need regular physical activity to maintain their mobility and health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seniors need at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week combined with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week. 

Gardening is a great way to meet the minimum required physical activity for older adults as it not only keeps seniors moving, but it also contributes to maintaining muscle strength. While it’s important to encourage your elderly loved one’s gardening hobby, it's also crucial that they should ensure their safety while out in the yard.

Benefits of gardening for seniors
Gardening brings a wealth of physical, mental, and emotional health benefits for the elderly. It’s a great physical activity that can improve your flexibility and mobility. Moreover, research shows that physical and visual access to nature helps people recover from illness quicker, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. While it improves hand strength, gardening can also improve a senior’s self-esteem.

You can get a sense of satisfaction from watching your plants flourish, as well as a feeling of accomplishment. Gardening also enables seniors to become more social, especially if they tend to their plants with a relative or a few friends. However, it’s important to keep yourself out of harm’s way while enjoying this pastime. It’s important to take some active steps to keep seniors safe while gardening, and following these tips will enhance your gardening experience while protecting you from minor and major injuries.

Paint garden tool handles with a bright color
The bright color will make it easier for senior gardeners to easily locate tools. Try painting trowel handles, hand forks, secateurs, shovels, and the like with hot pink, cherry red, or bright yellow paint to make them stand out among the greens. Make it a point to protect your back by using a wagon with large wheels instead of a wheelbarrow to carry and transfer plants and tools.

Dress to protect yourself
Protecting your skin from the sun, insect bites, and chemicals is important when you’re gardening. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from the sun, and wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to protect yourself from insect bites. It’s also important to wear gardening gloves if you’re handling chemicals while gardening. To protect yourself even further, use insect repellent containing DEET to keep mosquitoes and ticks away, and slather on sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Drink plenty of water
Gardening can make seniors extremely thirsty, so drinking water while doing this activity is crucial to avoid dehydration. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea while gardening, as these can dehydrate you even more. Instead, keep a bottle of water within easy reach and take frequent sips while gardening.

Garden early in the morning
It can be extremely hot between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so seniors should make it a point to garden early morning or late in the afternoon.

Pace yourself and take frequent breaks
Once you begin working in your yard, change your position every 20 minutes and take frequent breaks. This way, you won’t overexert yourself while gardening, and you can go back to working in your yard the next day.

Seniors should follow these tips to keep safe while gardening. Not only will you protect yourself from harm, but following these techniques will make gardening more enjoyable and fulfilling in the long run.


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카지노사이트 said...

In response to that release, Colonel Lamar Davis, the superintendent of the Louisiana State Police held a late night press conference and said the department is releasing all the police bodycam video to add context to what has already been public.

카지노사이트 said...

"The family says none of this lip-service matters until there is criminal accountability in the department," Merritt said. "What happened here is a crime."

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Of the troopers involved, DaKota DeMoss has been notified that the department intends to fire him and he remains on leave pending another excessive use of force case, police said.

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Master Trooper Chris Hollingsworth was also notified of the intent to dismiss him, and he died hours later in a fatal car crash, police said.

카지노사이트 said...

Photos on social media appear to show a missing Dubai princess who months earlier described herself in a video as being held against her will out at two major malls in the city-state.

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show Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum at the Mall of the Emirates at a movie theater there, as well as at a restaurant at Dubai Mall near the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.

카지노사이트 said...

The photos corresponded to those locations, with the Mall of the Emirates image likely taken in May due to the film being advertised in it.

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카지노사이트 said...

“The reports that have emerged that Egyptian authorities provided the killer drugs that were used to execute Jamal Khashoggi are shocking,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), a group that Khashoggi founded in the last year of his life. “There needs to be a congressional investigation.”

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series about Khashoggi’s murder that revealed that the Gulfstream jet carrying a so-called Tiger Team of Saudi assassins to Istanbul made a middle-of-the-night stopover in Cairo for the purpose

카지노사이트 said...

The drugs were injected hours later by a Saudi Ministry of Interior doctor into Khashoggi’s left arm inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul — an operation that the CIA has concluded was authorized by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, often known as MBS.

카지노사이트 said...

Abbas Kamel, the chief of Egyptian intelligence, is visiting Washington this week to meet with U.S. intelligence officials as well as members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Staffers told Yahoo News that a number of senators are preparing to ask Kamel about the Cairo stopover

카지노사이트 said...

Whitson noted that the questions are especially pertinent given the close working relationship between the Saudis and the authoritarian regime of Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, whose 2013 coup was heavily backed by Riyadh.

카지노사이트 said...

“It’s impossible that a Saudi government plane would have landed in Egypt without the knowledge and permission of the Egyptian authorities,” said Whitson. “And it is impossible that anybody other than Egyptian government officials would have coordinated with Saudi government officials on the delivery of drugs that we now know were used in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi."

카지노사이트 said...

There is also evidence that Egyptian intelligence may have provided training for the Tiger Team as well as previous support for Saudi abductions ordered by MBS. A Saudi source familiar with the matter told Yahoo News that the Egyptians assisted the Tiger Team with

카지노사이트 said...

Spokesmen for the Egyptian government in Cairo and Washington have declined to respond to questions from Yahoo News about the Khashoggi murder. But with Kamel’s visit to Washington, the issue has emerged along with related questions about alleged Egyptian support for the Saudi hit squad as well as broader matters related to Egypt’s own much-criticized human rights record.

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of at least five U.S. persons in Egyptian prisons. “I certainly raised this [the release of wrongfully detained Americans] in my meeting today, and we’ll continue to do so until Americans are reunited with their families,” Blinken said.

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