Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Urban Foraging with a New Spin

When you think of foraging you might imagine hikers picking berries in the forest, or pseudo-hippies picking berries on the side of the street. Though now, if you live in Seattle, thanks to The Beacon Food Forest you don't have to look weird foraging in the middle of town! Beacon Hill in Seattle is developing an edible self sustaining food forest meant to inspire and bring the community together in order to rehabilitate their local ecosystem.

The Beacon Food Forest will grow produce such as apples, herbs, walnuts and pineapples. The area’s sun exposure and slopes provide the ability to grow a large variety of plants, including some from other climate zones. The park will also include such things as an edible arboretum, berry patches, nut groves, a  community garden, and an area for kids.

For more information on the Beacon Food Forest visit their website.

Have an opinion? do you believe that this is something that can really bring a community together, or is it too easily taken advantage of? It's not hard to imagine someone raiding the park and keeping all the pineapples to themselves! Though if the idea works, it might just inspire other communities to start something like this as well.

Beacon Food Forest from InterChange Media on Vimeo.

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