Friday, May 24, 2013

GMG's Friday Find: Create an Instant Oasis this Memorial Day!

The Memorial Day holiday signals the beginning of summer celebrations on decks, patios and backyards across the nation. 
Here in the east, we're just getting around to planting from a long, cool spring and if you're feeling a bit rushed to get your outdoor space just right for the Memorial Day weekend, relax!  A beautiful blooming combination of hibiscus and mandevilla from Costa Farms® Tropic Escape™ Patio Collection can create an instant oasis.

A vibrant outdoor experience doesn't require endless hours of bending and digging when you pair and pot the big, bright blooms of hibiscus and mandevilla.

Hibiscus from the Tropic Escape Collection bursts with some of the biggest, most flamboyant blooms around -- up to seven inches across.  And the color range and mixes are enough to make a rainbow jealous! These hibiscus are sold in citrus-hued deco pots that immediately add color to you patio or porch for an instant view.

The Tropic Escape mandevilla with its trumpet-shaped flower loves the hot summer weather and pumps out flowers in pink, red, fuchsia and white. This twining and climbing plant splashes color while comfortably making a home just about anywhere from trellis to fence to container.

For a dramatic statement, pair them both in a pot and you'll enjoy show-stopping blooms all summer long. Heat tolerant and not fussy, this combination from the Tropic Escape Patio Collection is easy to care for, produces abundant flower power, and is readily available at local home improvement stores or mass merchandiser.

A backyard getaway doesn't have to cost a fortune or require hours of labor.  These tropical wonders can transform your outdoor space quickly so you can enjoy the seasonal celebrations with ease.

Happy Memorial Day!

Garden Media Group 


1 comment:

austin said...

Hey there! As Memorial Day approaches, I'm excited to spruce up my outdoor space for summer fun. Thanks to GMG's Friday Find, I discovered the perfect combo of hibiscus and mandevilla from Costa Farms® Tropic Escape™ Patio Collection. With a quick setup, I'll have my own oasis to enjoy all season long. And hey, after all the outdoor activities, don't forget to schedule that medical check up Dubai to keep your health in check!