benefits of houseplants is undeniable. They are natural air filters that can remove up to 87% of indoor air pollutants, and most people spend 90% of their time indoors! Plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Plants reduce stress, fatigue and headaches as well as lower blood pressure. Plants are as vital to our well being inside as they are to our survival outside. So why not have a little fun with indoor plants. Here is a DIY idea from the Kazahstan agency
Good that does just that.
All you need is a basic pot, a houseplant, a faceprint and a clear protective pot.
The fun is combining plants with personalities for an eye-popping visual association. These planters are sure to get the attention of everyone, while at the same time cleaning your indoor air. Pot up a head, have some laughs and breath easy.
Wow!! These ideas are totally fantastic..I want to do this also at home..
Online Plant Nursery
They are totally cool!!
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