Monday, December 26, 2011

#GardenChat with us

(Re) Introducing #GardenChat! A Twitter based chat forum where garden enthusiasts from all walks of life connect and interact sharing ideas and asking questions about their experience in the world of gardening.  

And, we want YOU to chat with US tonight!  Join us at 9pm, EST on Twitter, as we discuss our forecast for garden trends in 2012.  This years theme: ‘Cultivate the new good life with the power of plants!’ 

Are you seeing orange as Pantone predicted?  What about miniature gardening?  Come prepared to discuss what you think will be the big trends in 2012 and lend an ear to our ideas.  


Bren Haas said...

I'm looking forward to #gardenchat shares tonight with the #gardenmedia group! Funny you should mention orange - I'm seeing lots of orange in the garden via blooms in every shape and size. Can't wait to hear what others have to share from their growing experience from 2011.

@bg_garden on Twitter

Unknown said...

#GarnChat was so fast and fun! Thnks, Bren

Unknown said...

#GarnChat was so fast and fun! Thnks, Bren

Thomas Mickey said...

thanks for Garden Chat. love it. learn a lot. keep up the good work for us gardeners.

Cricket ID said...

To engage in discussions and share insights about gardening. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this platform provides a space to connect with like-minded individuals.