ROAD TRIP! GMG took Sterling Intl.'s Stephanie Cates to meet up with Wendy Bounds of the WSJ on her new on-line program "Lunch Break Live". Cates explained to Wendy the stinky truth about the much dreaded stink bugs. She also told her that it's getting close to the time of year these invasive little creatures are moving in to your home or office to get warm and stay for the winter.
If you haven't seen any yet, don't worry they haven't overlooked your home, they are coming!!! It's the first day of fall and these guys got the memo... it's moving day!
If you haven't seen any yet, don't worry they haven't overlooked your home, they are coming!!! It's the first day of fall and these guys got the memo... it's moving day!

When the temps drop and the sun shines less it is time to bring your RESCUE! Stink Bug trap indoors and add the special indoor light attachment. The light is sold separately and snaps on with ease and well, it looks like something out of a sci-fi film at night. My daughter came in last night and yelled "Cool!" but then realized it wasn't a lava lamp! Ha!
With the option of a battery or AC adaptor you can place the light anywhere. For optimal results, the trap should be placed in a dark area of your home like your attic or basement.
Have you seen any inside yet? If so, let us know. We'd love to know where you are from and what your experience has been with these armor wearing pests!
I've been reading an awful lot about this recently - and for good reason. I work at an advertising agency that just launched a stink bug infographic for one of our clients - Western Pest Services. Here is a link to check it out: Feel free to share with your readers.
Dead link Erin.
Sorry about that. Here is the link:
stink bug infographic
I've been having issues with bugs lately. I need a commercial pest control company to come out and spray for me. It's getting to be unbearable.
bugs are really annoying and creepy get rid of them by taking professional help from pest control.
Today I am happy to share a very special interview with Wendy Bounds, editor of Lunch Break. I prefer to visit here plasterers wanted and get more skills about shelfing. She is the author of Rescue Road: The Heroic Work of Rescuing Animals from the Holocaust, a New York Times bestseller and a book whose title also signifies an organization that she founded, Rescue Road.
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