We found repellents that truly work. The Liquid Fence Company's Deer & Rabbit Repellents stop marauding chompers cold. Peggy (our fearless clip catcher) tried their all-natural, eco-friendly Deer & Rabbit repellent on her gardens last summer and fall. It absolutely kept them at bay, saving her precious dwarf hydrangea and garden treasures!
Unlike other repellents that work on taste, it works on scent so deer and rabbits don't hang around browsing your ornamentals, annuals, perennials and edibles.
And now both the Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit and Dual Action Rabbit Repellents have been labeled for use on edible crops. Great news for veggie gardeners! No more hungry bunnies mowing down your favorite lettuce or deer sampling your homegrown salad! Let us know how it works for you!
You can find these and their other great line of eco-friendly, all-natural repellents and garden products at major retail stores and garden centers across the country. Or visit, www.liquidfence.com
For more information on garden products visit www.gardenmediagroup.com.
look at the hip hop bunny!
Just started using this end of last year and will be ordering more. Only thing to work for me!
I'm using deer off since it's the only truly organic repellent available because it has an OMRI logo on the label. It's worked great for keeping deer away from my garden.
erhaps Mr. Baldanza, you can dismiss this since you don’t have to deal with it. You dont have to endure your ticketing counter when you check in for flights. Customer service doesnt put you on hold for 34 minutes.cedar privacy fence
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