Every year my husband and I pick an angel from on our church's Angel Tree to provide a holiday gift. We've given little red wagons, Star Wars and baby dolls. This year I found this request from 10 year old Dennis Torres: Books on gardening and planting. Imagine that! A budding landscape designer.
I am giving him "Gardening for Dummies" and "Anyone Can Landscape" along with some planting diagrams and a new trowel.
Do y'all have any other suggestions to inspire and engage a 10 year old boy who likes to garden?
Heirloom seeds! 10 is a wonderful age to introduce plants that have been handed down through generations. He could grow to become a great seed-saver of his generation!
I would give him hand tools, seeds, and a plant. Trowel, gloves, and a basket or a bucket so he has a place to keep them.
I agree about the heirloom seeds. Make the plant something easy to take care of but that might be hard to give because of timing issues. That is so sweet you got a budding gardener. My nephew is 11 and he is a serious gardener. Loves to grow vegetables especially pumpkins.
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