That's 114 million people, about 5 million more than in 2008. Two reasons for the increase: July 4th is on a weekend and steadily rising gas prices has everyone taking “staycations” closer to home.

We went to terrain at Styer’sfor some help creating a “green” red, white and blue “party decoration”. With help from Melanie Miller, one of terrain's garden experts, we paired a classic red Knock Out® rose with veronica 'Icicle', white calibrachoa and the new blue geranium ‘Rozanne'.

Here's the trick. Just put the Knock Out® in its pot in the larger container and arrange the other plants -- still in their containers – around the rose. Top dress with pine straw, moss, coco husk or just drape the trailing plants to cover the tops of the pots. Keep them watered and give them a shot of Liquid Fence Speedy Grow for a little nutrient boost.
With a little imagination, you can create an instant outdoor 4th of July celebration container that will last well past Labor Day.
Cool! I love these!
And, we are supposed to have nice weather on the east coast! finally!!!
Everything you need for spring planting is here, including best diesel generator company karachi professional-grade seeds, seed starter soils, pots, and starter domes.
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