Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Start Children Gardening to Encourage Healthy Eating

From Examiner.com...Parents often struggle to get their children to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. One fun way to encourage little ones to eat produce is to plant a garden together. While it may sound daunting, planting a garden can be simple, relaxing and fun. And getting children gardening at a young age will connect them with nature and encourage a healthy diet.

Start small and simple. For your children's first planting, select a small plot of land and two or three plants. The American Horticultural Society, based in Alexandria, VA, has an online database of master gardeners who can offer tips and advice. Be sure to plant items that will grow comfortably within your space.

Go native! Plant vegetables and greens that are native in your area as they will adapt to the local climate and temperature extremes. The Washington Gardener offers tips on when and how to plant different varieties of produce in the Washington, DC area. Talking about produce that grows locally is another way to engage children in gardening. Planting native produce will also increase the likelihood of a successful garden. Read More...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the garden in my childhood home, fresh herbs, mint and basil and lettuce never tasted so good!!!