Growing Your Business with Public Relations explains the differences between advertising and PR, offers tips on creating public relations media plans and how to write a mission statement. It also includes a guide on writing a modern day press release.
Public relations is a powerful tool more businesses should be using to grow their bottom line. With public relations, you can fast track a product, build a credible reputation and drive demand. Our new eBook covers PR 101: how to get started.
We broke down the things we do on a daily basis and chose what were the most important to include in the eBook. Our insider tips will help businesses understand how to incorporate PR into daily marketing operations.
Growing Your Business with Public Relations offers a range of information that benefits businesses new to PR as well as those with established marketing departments. The tips can be used as a tool for orchestrating an entire PR campaign for small businesses or simply provide checks and balances for those looking to jump start their reputation.
PR is more than writing a press release. Creating lasting relationships, knowing how to find the golden nugget and having impeccable timing are all big components of PR. But, when you get it and implement it into your companies marketing strategy, you will gain wider exposure and produce better results.
“Growing Your Business with Public Relations” is available for download today:

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