Friday, January 25, 2013

GMG's Friday Find: Plantable Food Packages

There may be a day when your deli sandwich comes in a package that keeps on giving.

A clever and eco-friendly food packaging project is on its way into the market. Michal Marka, a designer from Ruzemborok, Slovakia, has designed this biodegradable food bowl in hopes of educating the users of biodegradable material and saving the planet bit by bit.

This eco-friendly package has seeds under the etiquette which you can plant right in the bowl.  First, of course, you eat the food in the container. Then peel back the top cover to find the seeds.  Add soil to the bowl, drop in the seeds, cover seeds with more soil, water it and plant it in the ground. The packaging will degrade and the herbs will grow within a week.

 Talk about sustainable!  I imagine this packaging could be planted  in containers as well.

 The question is would you take the time to plant your take-home food package?  We'd love to hear your thoughts on this new idea for eco-friendly food packaging.


Garden Media

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