When selecting indoor plants, consider the plants “job”. Does it work the day shift or night shift? Is it for the home or office? Does it work in bright light or low light? This Plant Guide from O2 For You allows users to find houseplants that suit their conditions and fit their lifestyle.
According to a landmark NASA study, it is recommended that at least one or more medium sized houseplant for every 100 square feet in the home or office will help maximize the health benefits and freshen the air.
Why Are House Plants Green Heroes? People's lives depend on technology, but ordinary household products such as paints, tobacco smoke, printer ink and carpets hold hidden dangers that plants can help reduce.
Former NASA research scientist Dr. Bill Wolverton found plants improve air quality through their natural “filtering” ability. He discovered houseplants can absorb up to 87% of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), like formaldehyde and benzene, found in many homes and offices.
Houseplants work round the clock to “clean” the air! How? They absorb these VOCs into the root zone where they’re broken down by microbes. Some of the hardest working plants are the peace lilies, ferns and palms.
Bring a Houseplant to Work Put a plant on your desk to feel happier, enjoy better health and be more productive. The NASA study recommends office workers should have at least one medium size plant in their “personal breathing space” at work to effectively remove indoor pollutants.
Research conducted in the Netherlands supports this, finding office workers who had plants in their workspace out performed co-workers without plants. Workers reported they felt better and their concentration improved with plants on their desks, especially working at computers!
Another test conducted in Norway reports that 25% fewer health problems occur, in particular respiratory ailments, headache, and fatigue, when plants were introduced to their workspace.
Snake plants, broad sword ferns and rubber plants are among the top ten air purifiers recommended by experts. They’re easy to grow, are natural humidifiers and remove airborne chemicals. Other green heroes are philodendrons, dieffenbachias and ZZ plants.

Take a Heavy Night Breather to Bed Some plants actually work at night while we sleep! These green heroes “breathe out” oxygen (O2) and absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) at night, rather than in the daytime, when the majority of plants do their “breathing.”
Kate Santos, director of research for Costa Farms, the largest indoor houseplant producer in North America, recommends snake plants and orchids, particularly in the bedroom. These natural botanical air purifiers make perfect bedroom buddies to refresh and beautify these spaces for a healthy, restful night’s sleep!
“Which plant you choose, and where you place your plants is important to reap optimum benefits,” says Santos.
Santos says to consider the light, humidity, and temperature to determine the best spot for a plant. “Put a Majesty Palm in your living room, fern in the family room and a Peace lily in the kitchen. Add golden pothos or heart leaf philodendron for beauty and maximum air cleansing benefits.”
Look for the ‘O2 for You’ displays at Lowe’s Home Depot, and Walmart nationwide this April.
Garden Media Group
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