Wednesday, February 29, 2012

'Occupy local': Farmers Markets and CSA's!

No matter your political stance, we can all rally around a  heap of ripe cantaloupe and fresh-picked veggies as we 'occupy local' and support our local farmers market.

According to our own Susan McCoy, trendspotter and garden expert, "Farmers markets are our new backyard veggie gardens and are becoming our local grocery store. 'Occupy local ' means chickens in your own backyard, buying produce at the local food shed and CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) and gardening with a purpose."

Although it's technically still winter, some winter farmers markets are open and provide year-round fresh produce and local specialties. Check 'em out!

The USDA is actively engaged in developing partnerships with farmers markets via their initiative: Know your Farmer, Know Your Food Initiative. In 2011, they've counted over 7,100 operating farmers markets in the nation and over 170 food hubs. And Local Harvest has a great list of organic food grown closest to you. Their tag line: Real food. Real farmers. Real Community seems to say it all.

Tell us what market you prefer, fabulous finds, and whether you'll be joining a CSA this year.

And "occupy local" to support your local farmers and CSA's for better tasting, healthier, fresher food with a nod to a more sustainable future and a "happier" Mother Earth.
photo credit: Garden Media Group
Kennett Square Farmers Market


ishhu said...

Farmer markets were made to address the issues of area ranchers and customers. These business sectors are ordinarily outside. Here ranchers can move their crisp, common, or likely produce. They as well move hamburger, ham, poultry and other nearby types of meat. They as well move natively constructed cheddar and crisp eggs. Some of the time you can likewise discover things like milk straight from the cow. You can get new jam, jam, pickles, and so on from your district showcase. They as well move non nourishment things that are handmade. When you purchase from these business sectors you are helping all ranchers keep refining. You can find out about the way of life of the town that has these business sectors that you be visiting. When you purchase from this sort of market you are saving the farmland. Saving farmland allow our condition to remain solid. Nearby farmer markets help make movement in your locale. When you go to a region farmer present you help your locale by get from your nearby ranchers. You can also construct more grounded links to your locale and neighbors when you bolster you nearby Farmer in any skill. in any case of whether you are buy, moving, or simply advance will support your nearby ranchers and their family. There are unique tenets and tips for these business sectors in every state. I’m working essay service company There are 20 decides that usually apply for these business sectors in the United States. You can go to the common Aglow Center's site for standards and controls. Know what's fresh! Read up on what grows close by in your area in that given season and don't be afraid to talk to the growers about what they have in store for the coming weeks. Bring sturdy bags and small change! While many markets offer bags, they're often too thin to hold out the strain of all you're going to buy.

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