Afterwards, he reports that “there's no silver bullet for proving the value of social media—it all comes down to the business goals.”
He says the recurring theme of the PR Summit was digital PR tactics and tools that best measure success.
“There is one commonality—a silver bullet, if you will—that all communicators should invest in,” he says. “Engagement on both massive and intimate scales, and engagement comes down to sharing passions, interests and content.”
He says that the 250 attendees at the Digital PR Summit were reminded time and again that the total number of followers or likes can be an empty, meaningless metric, and misses the point of social media.
"Don’t focus on increasing likes, focus on building relationships," said Chris Lagan, chief of social media, U.S.

Another tip shared by several presenters: Stay attuned to key trends and connect with those subjects and topics that already resonate with people. In other words, request an invitation to join Pinterest today.
For the full story and more insights click here. Follow Steve Goldstein: @SGoldsteinAI

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