Monday, December 19, 2011

GMG Trends Come to Fruition - Nouveau Farming

In 2009 GMG predicted that non-traditional farmers would be flocking back to the "fields."  With the desire to create a community, the urge for home-grown organic food and the world population needing more and more food, we predicted that the generation to answer the call would be our high-tech yet earthly rooted youth. 

That prediction has come true in so many ways.  One of those ways is a new breed of farmers, NPR reports, and they are under 35.  Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture holds a Young Farmers Conference every year.  And for the past 3 years it has completely sold out.  Another way non-traditional farmers are breaking the mold is in major metropolises.   Urban farmers are hitting the window sill running and making a big impact on the quality of life within a city.

The biggest question for the young farmers is WHY?  
Voices from the 2010 Young Farmers Conference from Stone Barns Center on Vimeo.

"Some of these young farmers already have their own farms. Some are apprentices, working on more established farms for a year or two. And others are still just thinking about it. But the overwhelming majority of farmers here at this conference want to farm without chemical fertilizers or pesticides,"says NPR.

Young Farmers get their hands dirty picking parsnips at the
2011 Young Farmers Conference
And NPR asked the same question, Why?

"It was born out of a concern for the environment."

"I wanted to have a real skill and be able to provide my family or my community with a vital element."

"I feel lost when I'm not farming... It's where I find the most peace and harmony in my life." 

"I love being outside.  Amongst the plants and sunshine, that's my office."

No matter the reason, it seems to be one solution to this massive over population and mal-nourishment our world is facing.   And who better than ambitious and innovative people that simply want to change the world?


jessciacarvin said...

These young farmers include some who already own their own farms. However, the vast majority of farmers who read this blog wish to practice organic farming without using chemical pesticides or fertilizers. I am a skilled writer who has helped a number of students with their academic work.

Cynthia Rose said...

It's inspiring to see such a diverse group of young farmers at the conference, from beginners to seasoned professionals, all dedicated to sustainable and chemical-free farming. Their commitment to eco-friendly agriculture is truly remarkable. On another note, I'm currently in need of a writer to help me with my phd dissertation editing services. If you're interested, please don't hesitate to reach out.

kevinnelson said...

The article highlights the resurgence of non-traditional farming, driven by tech-savvy young farmers. The 2010 Young Farmers Conference participants shared their motivations for choosing this path, including environmental concerns, family and community involvement, and a commitment to combating overpopulation and malnourishment. This article emphasizes the importance of sustainable and community-driven agriculture. Truck Accident Lawyer VA

Rubyrise said...

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