Peggy said she placed two RESCUE! Stink Bug Traps in her landscape a few weeks ago: one on a post and rail fence (touching the grass) and one hung under a deck, about 2 1/2 ft above the ground. (She said the area is shaded and is directly beneath her herb and veggie containers.)
Her fence trap, wh

Now, yesterday, Peggy was visiting her friend, Sheila (who has a gigantic garden) and they were checking out her plants and veggies. "Don't see any bugs," said Sheila. " Peggy arched her all-knowing brow and remarked, "Just wait... let's check the leaves."

They also saw a few fast moving "teenie boppers" that are about the size of pencil erasers, happily eating peppers, and more.
And people, people... the nymphs become airborne within 50 days or less, and can move throughout your garden and landscape and decimate your veggies, fruit and berries and ornamentals.
OK, so now that you are creeped out and about to race to your nearest retailer and get your RESC

If the RESCUE! Stink Bug Trap is catching stink bugs, but seems to slow down, check for spiderwebs at the entrance, or replace the attractant with a refill if it's been exceptionally hot for weeks.
Buy at least 2 traps: One touching blades or leaves where the nymphs are congregated and one hanging on a post or tree where the adults will be lured.
If you use mulch, check for adults: they hang out and are practically invisible. Place a trap nearby.
If the trap seems to be attracting fewer numbers, move it. Check frequently.
Recognize the enemy. Study Peggy's photos of the eggs and nymphs. Adult Stink Bugs have a shield-like appearance.
Break the cycle. Reduce the population in your little piece of heaven with the only trap that's been scientifically designed and tested to work. Trap and kill these stinkers before they switch gears in Sept/Oct and look for ways to get inside your home and overwinter, congregating in your attic - or crawl spaces- or dark, warm spots, waiting 'till spring arrives to buzz and dive-bomb us all once again.
If we all get involved, we may just stop this menace. Let us know how your battle is going! We're here to help.
Good luck!
~Lynne, GMG
Uggghhh!!! It's time to declare a stinkin' war against stink bugs. This is disgusting. But think of when these terrorists invade our homes in the fall.
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