First up, the ever-blooming Endless Summer mophead hydrangea. I've had this one for at least three years now and it's quite spectacular in full bloom! I love the fact that I if I cut off the blue blooms, this encourages the plant to grow more. Plus these blooms look amazing as cut flowers in vases.

Next up, coreopsis 'Sunshine Superman' from Northcreek Nurseries. I was luckily enough to pick this up last year at the GWA Symposium in Dallas. What a beauty this turned out to be! It's golden yellow flowers, which are low-spreading, will bloom now until October. It's an easy native that can survive in sun or part shade. I think it looks right at home with my Sapphire Indigo (TM) clematis.

And finally, the extraordinary lacecap hydrangea called 'Veitchii,' which is just starting to bloom now. During the summer it will produce these showy lacecap clusters of flowers that range from pink to blue to white depending on your soil PH. Mine grows happily in full sun, but it also does well in partial shade.
I'd love to hear which plants are blooming in your garden!
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