As I wandered around my yard yesterday thinking about the people who have gardened here and those who have helped me develop my own gardening skills and talents, I was grateful for many people.
My father was the first to introduce me to gardening when I was around 10. He and I planted a rose bush together outside the den window. It was a red climber. I often went out into the woods with daddy to help him - talk and watch is more like it - dig up and transplant wild dogwoods to our home. And he loved to vegetable garden when he was retired.

I didn't garden much again until I was a young mother and first time homeowner. I had a glorious vegetable garden I'd take my little baby girl to in the mornings. She sit in her port-a-crib and I'd weed. From my organic garden - I actually got used to squeezing slimy bugs with my bare fingers - I grew all the ingredients to make my own baby food - and pass on my love of gardening to my daughter.
Then I lucked out and got involved in the gardening industry as a professional. I have learned so much over the years from all the professionals we've been blessed to work with and new plants and products we've helped introduce.
My father was the first to introduce me to gardening when I was around 10. He and I planted a rose bush together outside the den window. It was a red climber. I often went out into the woods with daddy to help him - talk and watch is more like it - dig up and transplant wild dogwoods to our home. And he loved to vegetable garden when he was retired.

I didn't garden much again until I was a young mother and first time homeowner. I had a glorious vegetable garden I'd take my little baby girl to in the mornings. She sit in her port-a-crib and I'd weed. From my organic garden - I actually got used to squeezing slimy bugs with my bare fingers - I grew all the ingredients to make my own baby food - and pass on my love of gardening to my daughter.

The last 15 years of horticultural PR and buying a new home last year lead me to the path of finally being ready to have the garden of my dreams.

Most recently Fred and I were working with Jerry Evans, a landscape architect and friend from church who'd designed our church's memorial garden. At our first meeting about two months ago, he understood us and our house and created the most magnificent master plan for our 2 acres. It took our breath away. We were so excited. We were having such fun with him, looking at drawings, tweaking things here and there, walking around and marking out beds - and just sitting and talking. Unfortunately, Jerry died in an automobile accident on Friday. We are heartbroken, but his dream for our garden will live on in every flower and shrub we plant.
As I walked around this weekend and looked at yellow flags marking garden beds and patios, I couldn't help but think how gardeners live forever in their fields of dreams.
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