Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Governor Rendell honors Susan Watson McCoy

Susan Watson McCoy, president, IMPACT Marketing & PR Inc., Chadds Ford, PA, is announced as one of Pennsylvania’s “Best 50 Women in Business.” by Governor Edward G. Rendell. McCoy will be honored this May at the Governor’s Mansion for her accomplishments, both professionally and personally.

Recognized as one of the state’s best and brightest women in business, McCoy founded the Chadds Ford public relations and marketing firm more than 20 years ago. The firm’s subsidiary, the Garden Media Group, is now the leading garden & outdoor living PR firm and generates awareness for clients locally, regionally and nationally.

“Standing among these outstanding women in business is truly an honor,” McCoy says. “My greatest joy is helping my clients and my community succeed. Plus I love mentoring up-and-coming stars of the industry and sharing what I’ve learned professionally.”

McCoy, a role model for anyone who aspires to succeed, has been involved in various activities over the years, from the board of the Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry and Garden Writers of America to Senior Warden of the Episcopal Church of the Advent and a board member of the Kennett Symphony.

Other honors include the GWA Silver Trowel Award, AAF National Public Service Award for the Atlanta Zoo, and the ‘Top 10 PR Firms’ from the Philadelphia Business Journal. McCoy obtained a MS in Journalism from the University of Southern Carolina.

Winners of this year’s contest where chosen for their place in the business world and community. “Pennsylvania and the communities in which these award winners work are better because of them, and I encourage Pennsylvania’s young people to follow their lead” the Governor said.

Pennsylvania’s “Best 50 Women in Business” is a 14-year tradition coordinated by the Department of Community and Economic Development in cooperation with five regional Pennsylvania business journals throughout the state. The contest is open to all Pennsylvania women, with honorees selected by a private panel of judge.

McCoy says the honor was a big surprise. “My colleagues collaborated with my husband and submitted the application,” she explains. “I am as thrilled about their thoughtfulness as I am about the award. My company is only as good as the people, and they are the best.”

For more information, visit http://www.gardenmediagroup.com/ or call 610-388-9330.


Anonymous said...

Woot woot!!! GMG beat me to the post! Check http://heliumballoon.blogspot.com/ on 3/18 for my version of this post.

Cheese said...


Unknown said...

you are amazing!

Ryan said...

Congratulations Suzi! What an honor!

TiffanyJBausch said...

You're AMAZING!!!!

John said...

The Gamecock Nation salutes you!
Congratulations on your award.

John Harloe

Anonymous said...

McCoy says the honor was a big surprise. “My colleagues collaborated with my husband and submitted the application,” she explains. “I am as thrilled about their thoughtfulness as I am about the award. My company is only as good as the people, and they are the best.”
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